Today was a day of three firsts.
First ‘first’ was drive-train (3D printed rotor, locking nut, driveshaft, bevel gear, another drive-shaft, motor)
turning by hand and recording some volts with a BBC microbit. As this was the first time the components
had actually come together, it was quite an achievement for it all to just work.
The second ‘first’ was putting the rotor in a current – actually dipped into Marine Lake and pushed along – and
successfully causing the motor to turn.
Third first was the ‘first float’ for our floating test platform – which achieved its key objective of not sinking!
Next assembly meeting will aim to put all of these together and generate, and measure, some electrical
energy from our model tidal turbine on our test platform as it is pulled across Marine Lake.
Big thanks to Clevedon Sailing Club for the use of their club house for assembly operations – and for a
great view on a sunny afternoon.