2024 Workshops Update
Since the 2021 and 2022 workshops, Our Tide have been busy with more and better workshops:
- In Autumn 2023, a series of workshops were delivered for secondary school students. The model was changed slightly, and this was run over multiple days and a number of venues. Most of the sessions were at Clevedon School, with the final session at Clevedon Sailing Club including visits to Clevedon Pier and Marine Lake.
- In July 2024, a full day workshop was delivered to Year 10 students at Nailsea School.
- In October 2024, staff from Frazer-Nash Consultancy used Our Tide resources to deliver a STEM workshop in collaboration with EqualEngineers for adults aspiring to return to a career in STEM.
These workshops were only possible with help from our supporters, particularly Clevedon School, Frazer-Nash Consultancy and Clevedon Community Bookshop’s community grant.
We are delighted to announce that Our Tide has been awarded a second community grant from Clevedon Community Bookshop, which allows us to deliver the 2024 edition of our workshop in Clevedon! This will be held on Saturday 23rd November at the Clevedon Sailing Club. Applications are invited now from Year 10 to 13 students. Sign up here now: https://tinyurl.com/2s4fpy5f

2022 Workshop
Tuesday 30 Aug to Friday 2 Sept 2022
• Clevedon seafront locations
• Suitable for students in years 11 to 13
• Free of charge
Delivering student workshops is a major part of the Our Tide programme. The aim of the workshops is to allow local students to gain knowledge, understanding and skills related to tidal energy in a way that is engaging and inclusive. Along the way, students will gain confidence in applying their STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) skills and rub shoulders with science and engineering professionals to gain a wider perspective on careers and education in general.
Thanks to the support of Clevedon Sailing Club, the main location for the workshop will be their clubhouse on Clevedon seafront – there will also be a number of outside activities nearby (which may involve getting wet)
To apply to participate please fill out our online form and we will be in contact before the start of the course. With places limited to 24 students, we regret we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. In which case a reserve list for future workshops will be created.
We expect students to commit to the full week-long course, if possible, but we can make allowances if you let us know.
If you have any queries about the workshop, please email us with your questions: hello@ourtide.org
2021 Workshop
OurTide delivered its first ever tidal energy workshop on 25-28th October 2021. An enthusiastic group of secondary school-age students went from initial mind maps to working models of turbines, covering all sorts of different aspects along the way – resource assessment, blade design, gearboxes, 3D printing, raspberry pi, environmental impacts, and more. The workshop was delivered by 8 professional engineers and scientists.

One thing I learned is …
- The environmental impacts of tidal power
- How buoyancy is calculated
- About aerofoils and how lift works
- How tidal energy is dictated by geography
The best thing we did was …
- Building the turbine model
- Creating the raft
- Making the demo tidal turbine
- Calculating the power in different locations
I’m still curious about …
- How quickly tidal power will be adopted
- Is it better to have a turbine on the sea floor or floating at the surface?
- How much power can be generated by the turbine
Alternative energy from the sea - Drag and the forces at play when an object moves through the water
In future I’d like to …
- Potentially get a job in engineering
- Study computer coding and music engineering
- Learn more about how tidal energy affects the environment
- Go and see a full tidal turbine which generates a huge amount of power